There are event management companies in Dubai who says that people themselves never knew that bringing your own AV in the hotel meeting and conference room is allowed and can be an option. These hotels never give you the option of bringing your own gears and naive customers simply believe that this is the only way.
Here we have listed down all the reasons as to why hotel never gives you the option of bringing your own AV, see this here.
The reason why hotels insist on using their audio visual services is because they make a small amount of commission by the providers they use. Though, there are a lot more ways through which a hotel makes commissions and earn such as food and beverages and etc but these small amounts also matter.
If you choose to bring your own Audio visual aids then you can benefit from them as you can get quotes per your choice and choose from a wide variety of budgets and technology that is offered by the service providers.
Another problem that is faced by the clients is that the cost of WiFi that is provided in-house can cost a lot more than the usual. Sometimes your presentation may include such content which requires internet to be accessed. There are a few ways to get around those expensive rates and negotiate on your own.
One of the simplest ways to get around that expensive WiFi is by bringing your own mobile devices for your clients to check videos and stream very low amount of internet which can help you in securing your presentation as well.
Now because hotel Audio Visual providers are responsible for several meetings taking place in the single hotel it means that your gear will not be receiving the right kind of attention – which is fine as long as they can guarantee 100% reliability on the gear, but if that does not happen, and your Audio Visual decides to trouble you in the middle of the presentation, you will not be a top priority from the several other people waiting for their gear to set in place.
By bringing your own Audio Visual services from the outside you will be the center of the attention of the service provider which means all your problems will be solved in a blink of an eye.